Header: gGmbH


BSW Non-Profit Limited Liability (gGmbH)

The German Solar Association (BSW) has been actively engaged in international initiatives for numerous years, aiming to facilitate the entry of member companies into foreign markets. The association offers comprehensive support by accompanying member companies to trade fairs and business trips, providing political backing to navigate challenges in foreign markets, aiding in partner identification, and assisting in the recruitment of skilled workers for the domestic market. In essence, it drives the global energy transition. For this purpose, the association occasionally strengthens organizations and associations in promising markets while also supporting German and European development cooperation in emerging and developing countries.

Solar energy (photovoltaics as well as solar thermal and concentrating solar thermal) and storage solutions have proven to be efficient technologies for addressing the climate crisis and achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These technologies not only provide access to eco-friendly electricity but also heat and cold, thereby significantly contributing to poverty alleviation. BSW has successfully executed development cooperation projects in dozens of partner countries. Some of these projects, particularly in the field of development cooperation, are undertaken by the non-profit GmbH of BSW-Solar, of which the association is the sole shareholder. This streamlined approach minimizes administrative overheads.

Address and Imprint

The BSW Non-Profit GmbH is headquartered at the EUREF-Campus in Berlin. Managing Director is David Wedepohl.

Commercial Register Entry: HRB 259090 B
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg

BSW-Solar gemeinnützige GmbH
EUREF-Campus 16
10829 Berlin