
Header: Struktur



With a flat, modern and efficient organizational structure, we ensure that even in a short time and in the event of a crisis, factual questions relating to solar energy and storage technology can be answered competently and on time. Get to know our most important organs here.

Executive Board

Our current 13-member executive board consists of a three-member Presiding Committee and eleven other committee members. The representatives of the executive committee are elected by the general meeting for two years. You as a member are therefore actively involved in deciding who represents the German Solar Association on the board.


a sunny member

Head Office


Our office in Berlin is the competence center of the German Solar Association. As a member, you will find the right contact person for all your concerns here. In the heart of Berlin, we have our finger on the pulse of government decisions and work daily to promote the interests of solar energy in the electricity and heating sectors.



We currently represent around 750 companies along the entire solar value chain. Suppliers, manufacturers, trade, craft and service companies rely on the services of the German Solar Association.

Expert Groups and Committees

Fachgruppen & Gremien

Expert groups and committees: In order to be able to deal quickly and competently with all issues affecting the solar and solar storage industry, we have formed various expert and working groups in which competent individuals from member companies develop and implement solutions and concepts together with German Solar Association experts.



Networks: We are well networked to your advantage: Whether with other renewable energy associations, alliance partners and agencies or with campaigns that support our goals – we use our good connections everywhere for the benefit of solar energy and storage technology.