Countdown to Intersolar China 2011

Exhibition and Conference to take place from December 7-9 in Beijing’s China National Convention Center (CNCC)

Following its international events in Europe, North America and India, 2011 will see the Intersolar’s worldwide exhibition network completed with the inauguration of Intersolar China. The organizers of Intersolar have partnered with MMI (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. to organize Intersolar China, taking place in 2011 from December 7-9 at its annual venue at the China National Convention Center (CNCC) in Beijing.

Intersolar China is the new flagship event for solar professionals looking to do business in the lucrative Chinese solar markets. It has been designed from the ground up to offer new business contacts and networking opportunities for the international solar industry. During its three days, the event expects more than 250 exhibitors and 7,500 visitors with an exhibition space spanning nearly 16,500 square meters. More than 500 attendees are expected to take part in the accompanying conference program.

Intersolar China brings together all solar energy technologies and the entire supply chain, including equipment and material suppliers, cell and module manufacturers, balance of systems (BOS) suppliers, distributors, project developers, academia/research, as well as government. Intersolar China will feature both domestic and international companies committed to contribute to the rapid growth and profitability of the Chinese market.

Focusing on the International Solar Industry

Intersolar China takes an exclusive business-to-business approach and presents a diverse audience of international trade visitors and solar professionals, including, investors, project developers, distributors, and government officials.

China’s new exhibition and conference for the solar industry will present the latest market insight and cutting-edge technologies to facilitate valuable, high-level business contacts and networking opportunities. Intersolar China will act as a catalyst for exhibiting companies looking to enhance visibility for their products and solutions in China and broader worldwide markets through high media exposure.

For more information about Intersolar China please go to

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